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FAQ & Report Stories

Сообщений 1 страница 7 из 7


Basics steps to post a story on sexstoriescom:

- First of all, you must have an account on the forum.
- Once your account is created, you can go to
- If you already have an account, you just have to login to with the same login information.
- Now, there's a new menu at the left called "Account":



- Important note: first, you should write and save your story on your computer (on a txt file or a word file, no matter the text editor you used) before posting it. There's a server timeout. If you spend too much time writing your stories into our system, you will be disconnected from your session, and your story will never be saved. The best solution is to copy/paste your work from the file saved into your computer.

- To post a new story, just click on "New story".
Little explanation about "Characters Count": your story must have at least 5000 characters. After few years, we realized that readers generally prefer long stories with many description...

At the bottom of the page, there's a box called "Publishing".
- Publish your story: your story will be online after validation (shouldn't be longer then 48 hours).
- Continue editing: your story is on "edit mode". When you think your story is ready, you can change it to "Publish your story" to see your work online.

- "Your stories":



On the screen capture below you can see the 3 modes of a story:
- Validated: for an online story. If you click on "View", you can see the story with all comments made on it.
- Edit mode: for a story in edit mode, if you have choosen "Continue editing" from the "New story" page. You can make every modification as you want. When you think your story is ready to be online, you can change this mode by cliking on "Edit" and change the box at the bottom of the page to "Publish your story". You can also delete it if you want.

For every stories listed on this page, you have some statistics like the number of comments, reads and rate...



After I write a story can I comment images to go along with it? Or can you include images at all?



As soon the pictures will be posted on free sites (instagram, imgur...) it is ok. Even better would be if you could just upload the pictures here in your profile on forum and then include the link in your story. When somebody will click the link, picture has to display- no downloading, no redirections...
You might also to post some music video (youtube, vimeo) or sex video (xnxx, xvideos) or just music.
If you will be not sure, you can PM me the link before...



I've been using this site for quite some time, and I've seen some changes recently that have me a little confused, you used to post stories in order with the newest stories at the top of an author's list, but now the generally post newest at the bottom with no particular order from day to day, I'm curious how the stories are organized now, and if you could possibly list them with the newest stories in a consistent location on the author lists, either newest at the top or bottom wouldn't matter to me, it just seems like it's become quite a hassle to figure out what the newest story is from a particular author without using the search function



Thank you for the suggestion. In couple months we are planning to do some changes.


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