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Fox vs CNN...A Comparative Study of Non Biased Reporting and Fake News

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Been wanting to create a thread like this for so long. :pompus:

Two networks, compare the same news story and look for the bias and manipulation of fact.

"Fair and Balanced" or "The Most Trusted Name in News"



CNN, omits, manipulates, lies and overaggressive its negative reports, nothing but propaganda

Fox … s-briefing

Trump spars with reporters during fiery coronavirus briefing​
President Trump sparred with journalists during his daily coronavirus task force press conference on Friday, going so far as to call NBC News correspondent Peter Alexander a “terrible reporter.”

Many other reporters in the room in turn sided with Alexander, making a large portion of the question-and-answer session more about their frayed relationship with the president than the pandemic.

The spat started when Alexander asked Trump if his “impulse to put a positive spin on things” could be giving Americans a “false sense of hope” amid the pandemic. The president explained he had a “good feeling” about possible solutions the FDA is working on.

“Let’s see what happens, we have nothing to lose,” Trump said.

Alexander interrupted the next reporter who was called on, shouting, “What do you say to Americans who are scared?”
“I say that you’re a terrible reporter. That’s what I say,” Trump fired back.

“I think that’s a very nasty question and I think it’s a very bad signal that you’re putting out to the American people,” Trump said. “The American people are looking for answers and they’re looking for hope. And you’re doing sensationalism and, the same with NBC and Con-cast. I don’t call it Comcast, I call it Con-cast”

CNN … index.html

Trump viciously attacks NBC News reporter in extended rant after being asked for message to Americans worried about coronavirus​

New York (CNN Business)In an extraordinary exchange on Friday, President Donald Trump viciously attacked an NBC News reporter who asked what his message would be to Americans who are frightened by the coronavirus pandemic that is spreading across the country.

The exchange, which occurred at the White House's daily coronavirus task force briefing, began when NBC News reporter Peter Alexander asked Trump whether he was giving Americans "false hope" by touting unproven coronavirus drugs.
Toward the end of the exchange, Alexander cited the latest pandemic statistics showing thousands of Americans are now infected and millions are scared.
Alexander asked, "What do you say to Americans who are scared?"
Trump, shaking his head, ripped into Alexander in response.
"I say that you are a terrible reporter," Trump replied. "That's what I say.

The President proceeded to launch into an extended rant against Alexander, saying he asked a "nasty question" and assailing NBC and its parent company, Comcast.



So CNN is more accurate reporting? Thanks for clearing that up for everyone.

Trump did not "spar" with reporters. He launched into an extended personal attack because a reporter asked him a question he did not want to answer.



Rear admiral butt nugget tries to spin it even when the video is right there for everyone to see.

And everyone can make up their own mind; CNN or Fox.



The spat started when Alexander asked Trump if his “impulse to put a positive spin on things” could be giving Americans a “false sense of hope” amid the pandemic. The president explained he had a “good feeling” about possible solutions the FDA is working on.



The exchange, which occurred at the White House's daily coronavirus task force briefing, began when NBC News reporter Peter Alexander asked Trump whether he was giving Americans "false hope" by touting unproven coronavirus drugs.



@shy guy youve exposed a classic example of propaganda pumped out by despicables.

You ought to use MSNBC as well. They don't even pretend to be objective anymore though.



Not interested in msnbc, raw story and the rest of the lying liberal media...I have a peculiar hard on for CNN



Take it down to sexuality then.



The entire quote was not used, CNN should not have cut it and they were wrong to do so.



Thats what CNN does, its called propaganda



yes propaganda...


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